Yet another beauty enhancing ingredient from the east - Silk Powder for Cosmetics. Silk Powder can actually do wonders for cosmetics and many cosmetic brands have widely started using them also. Several remarkable properties are linked with silk powder and experts have just begun to discover them. Actually, this is the most highly treasured natural powder and has been used in the traditional Asian beauty therapies. Ancient medicine systems like Ayurveda also made widespread use of silk powder, no wonder its growing importance in UK cosmetics and American companies. The property of silk powder which makes it so useful and unique is its ability to hold skin moisture as per the requirements of the temperature and humidity of the environment around the person. This serves in many ways and is highly beneficial for the skin. When silk powder is manufactured from silk, a lot of care is taken to ensure that the grain size is optimum. If the grain size is large, it becomes crude and people can then not apply it comfortably. If the grain size is too fine, then the effects of using silk powder are not even observed. Therefore, the size needs to be perfect. Even the smoothness of the silk powder grains need to be carefully monitored so that it is easily absorbed in the skin. The silk powder that is used in cosmetics is generally micro crystalline silk powder so that other raw ingredients can be conveniently used with it and the balance can be maintained. In comparison to other synthetic powders that people commonly apply such as talcum powder or even titanium dioxide, silk powder has the unique characteristic of air permeability and so when used with other facial powders and rouges, can simply help in maintaining skin glow. The chief ingredient of natural skin powder contains a balanced mix of proteins and almost twenty five amino acids. Calcium is also abundant. These ingredients are vital for healthy growth and maintenance of the skin. The other main component of silk powder is a substance called fibroin which is an amphoteric protein. It is also rich in alanine, glycine and serine. These are essential building blocks or bases from which the protein in the skin is created naturally by the body. Not only this, silk is full of anti inflammation properties which can assist to reduce puffiness in the skin and make it more firm by reducing sagging and drooping of the skin. Though the effects are slow and need patience to observe, they are visible and if silk powder is used consistently, lovely skin can be reached by those who have only dreamt of it. Moreover, most skin care products contain these only as their active ingredients so why not opt for something which is more natural, healthy and absolutely devoid of chemicals? Not only does silk powder for cosmetics act as a natural sun screen, it aids in promoting glowing skin and a lustrous texture to the skin by absorbing excessive oil thus leaving the skin quite clear and soft. The harmful rays of the sun like the ultraviolet radiations are also filtered. Not only does silk powder act like a natural moisturizer, it assists in renewing old and damaged skin cells, thus reducing the signs of ageing. Even pigmentation like blemishes and freckles is significantly reduced. The real color of the skin is restored as melanin production is considerably slowed down. Silk powder actually helps to breathe skin fresher air by regulating it through the skin pores and this itself gives radiance to the skin.

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